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Nov 6 2008 5:55PM
Aid workers and rights defenders under attack in Somalia

Stories from Somalia seem to be the hot topic for Amnesty this week. We began the week by flagging up the tragic story of the 13-year-old girl who was stoned to death, and today’s blog once again throws the escalating crisis in Somalia...

Nov 3 2008 4:23PM
Somalia stoning: A story that left me reeling in shock and sadness

Although I work on human rights issues every day at Amnesty, there are some cases which leave me with pure sadness. And this latest story from Somalia is one such incident. You may have seen reports last week that a woman was stoned to...

Oct 29 2008 5:24PM
Crisis in Congo

The conflict bubbling across the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo between rebel groups and the government’s armed forces is dominating much of the international news agenda. Channel Four News opened last night's...

Oct 21 2008 1:10PM
deadly consequences of a flawed justice system

Although I’ve worked at Amnesty for nearly three years, I never stop being shocked at some of the reports we receive about the dreadfully cruel and inhumane way people are treated around the world. And today’s report about life for men...

Oct 16 2008 6:01PM
Pinochet's legacy

What’s the first thing you think of when you think of General Pinochet? Dictator? Military junta? Chile? Well for us at Amnesty, we would probably agree with most of that, but we would defnitely have to add one other element: the...

Oct 2 2008 3:10PM
Remembering the Night of Tlatelolco

Today marks 40 years since one of the worst cases of mass killing took place in Mexico City’s history – the Tlatelolco massacre. As Al-Jazeera English reports, the massacre occurred when hundreds of students took to the main square in...

Sep 29 2008 1:45PM
Horrors of Congo's conflict revealed

Some of you may have heard Amnesty’s Democratic Republic of Congo researcher on the Today programme at 6.50 this morning. He spoke movingly of the dreadful impact that the conflict in eastern DRC is having on the general population in...

Sep 23 2008 3:35PM
Burmas longest serving POC has been released!

Amid the reports that Burma’s decided to release 9,000 prisoners for good conduct, Amnesty has learned that U Win Tin – Burma’s longest serving prisoner of conscience who’s been in prison for 19 years – is free at last. At 78, U Win...

Sep 17 2008 1:41PM
The world has to control its arms

Amnesty’s released a major new report on the global arms trade today. Some of you may have spotted the story on or in the Guardian today. Essentially Blood at the Crossroads outlines how weapons transfers to already volatile...

Sep 15 2008 6:04PM
Signed, sealed, delivered... and now we wait

So – the deal has been done. The papers have been signed. President Robert Mugabe has signed the historic power-sharing deal on stage with Zimbabwe’s new Prime Minister – Morgan Tsvangirai and leader of the breakaway opposition party...

Sep 5 2008 2:08PM
Shocking sites

Unusual for Google , there’s no birthday cake or symbol of any sort on its home page to suggest that Google’s reached its 10th birthday today. Ten, eh? Normally this is the point where we say, ‘my, hasn’t time gone quickly?’ But on...

Aug 21 2008 5:02PM
news from north of the border

It’s on days like this when us London-based folk take our hats off to our colleagues north of the border: if ever there were a group of people who knew how to multi-task, it’s Amnesty’s Scotland office. While maintaining Amnesty’s high...

Aug 14 2008 4:05PM
'a new declaration of war' - in Darfur

It seems as if no amount of high-level international pressure from celebrities or state leaders, mass demonstrations in the world’s capitals or even a petition for an international arrest warrant will stop the Sudanese government’s...

Aug 13 2008 6:44PM
The blame game

That old horse chestnut has cropped up again: you know the one – ‘ isn’t the woman partly to blame for being raped if she’s drunk?’ The topic was kick-started yesterday after authorities overturned the decision to reduce the amount of...

Aug 6 2008 1:10PM
Stunning figures

The Home Office released its latest figures on the amount of times police officers have used or drawn the Taser over the past 12 months yesterday. This came as no surprise because there are now not only more officers carrying this...

Jul 31 2008 5:49PM
What a difference a year makes? Very little actually for the people of Darfur

It really doesn’t feel like a year to me. And I’m living in the UK. I bet that the people of Darfur are really struggling to believe that it was a year – a whole year, since the UN Security Council agreed to deploy the world’s largest...

Jul 30 2008 4:47PM
This blog is censored: by order of the Chinese government

So, the countdown to the Games is now in single figures, the athletes are arriving at Beijing’s glossy new airport, and China is ratcheting up yet another broken promise to its ever-increasing list . Today it’s been revealed that the...

Jul 17 2008 2:57PM
Female discrimination still a major problem at home and abroad

The ability, or failure to protect women from all violence is on the news agenda today. China’s patting itself on the back as a new law has recently resulted in the first successful prosecution in a sexual harassment case. This is...

Jul 14 2008 5:30PM
Darfur crimes investigated

It can’t be denied that the International Criminal Court’s move to accuse Sudan’s President of committing war crimes in Darfur is a very bold step as it's the first time the ICC has issued charges against a sitting serving head of...

Jun 26 2008 6:28PM
A good day for the Maori people

The Maori people have had a bit of good news recently as the New Zealand government agreed to an historic land deal that would give the Maoris almost £161 million in forestry assets. This deal comes after a long-running history of...
