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Jan 22 2008 1:38PM
Keeping the peace

A new Amnesty report has put Darfur back on the news agenda this morning. The report highlights how the security level is worsening for people now living in camps in the region. As the BBC reports, Amnestys concerned that the new UN...

Jan 21 2008 5:19PM
Will mediation solve this crisis?

Things are looking up in Kenya as the former UN-Secretary General Kofi Annan arrives to try to help to resolve the political crisis unfolding in that country. But if this weekends events are anything to go by, a lot needs to be done in...

Jan 16 2008 2:18PM
Bombing the truce

The bomb which blew up a bus in north-central Sri Lanka proves that the cease fire between the government and the Tamil Tigers is well and truly over. Todays bomb which has killed at least 25 people, including school children has also...

Jan 10 2008 5:25PM
Blog by Bibi - free at last

The papers have been full of news of Kenny Richeys return to the UK. Kenny, who has spent 20 years on death row in the American state of Ohio after he was dubiously convicted for starting a fire that killed his ex-girlfriends two year...

Jan 9 2008 12:18PM
Tales of the unexpected

The news is full of surprises today. Hillary beats Obama to second place in the New Hampshire primary, the BBC reports that Kenny Richeys flight from Chicago to Edinburgh has been delayed due to bad weather, and people can now sing...

Dec 19 2007 2:08PM
Time for a change?

So Fidel Castro has hinted that he may soon step down from the leadership in Cuba to make room for the younger generation. Should that happen, lets hope that a new leadership would guarantee the full respect of human rights for the...

Dec 14 2007 4:12PM
Today's a Bibi special blog

Death Penalty News Encouraging news today as the Guardian reports that the American state of New Jersey has abolished the death penalty. This is a significant step in US history as New Jersey becomes the first state in 40 years to...

Dec 12 2007 4:53PM
Asylum shockers

So in spite of the Governments promise in October to make special allowances for the Iraqi interpreters seeking asylum in the UK, only 75 out of the 200 who applied have been granted leave to remain according to The Times. Thats hardly...

Dec 7 2007 4:14PM
Shocking moves

The Met Police today announced plans to start deploying tasers to non-firearms trained officers as of Monday. They are the last of ten forces around the UK to take part in this pilot scheme set up by the Home Office which began on 1st...

Nov 28 2007 2:37PM
A postcode lottery of a different kind

Did you know that if youre a woman whos been raped, abused at home, trafficked or suffered violence of one sort or another, the chances of getting appropriate specialised services can vary greatly according to where you live . Shocking...

Nov 22 2007 2:01PM
the cocktail for success?

So Israels sweetener to Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas ahead of next weeks peace talks are strawberries and armoured personnel carriers it would seem. Ehud Olmerts move to ease the trade embargo on Gaza by allowing Palestinian...

Oct 31 2007 12:08PM
Fair trials or curfews?

Cherie Blairs interview on the Today programme very much skirted the issue of the serious violations of womens rights in Saudi Arabia . While its great that she has flagged up the fact that womens rights need to be upheld within any...

Oct 24 2007 5:17PM
Spookily close to the truth

Although I am slightly gutted that I missed the first episode of Spooks which was on last week (I was in NYC so really I shouldnt complain), Im delighted its back on the screen. Its just as gripping as previous seasons although I have...

Oct 5 2007 2:14PM
Ironies and oddities

The decision by Burma’s military ruler to meet imprisoned democratically-elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi is so riddled with conditions that it makes me wonder if they really want to make that happen. It also seems slightly incongruous...

Oct 1 2007 3:08PM
Actions speak louder than words

I’m contentedly biting into a delightful Belgian praline as I write this as I’ve just returned from the lovely town of Ghent in Belgium where I attended a conference for Amnesty press staff across the EU. Nothing works quite like...

Sep 19 2007 2:20PM
Tear gas and electric shocks just for expressing a view

Burma is rarely out of the news due to the extreme savagery of a military government which presides over mass political imprisonment, forced labour and torture . But the images of saffron robe-clad monks facing teargas and warning...

Sep 13 2007 3:39PM
Who's keeping score?

Englands Twenty20 match against Zimbabwe today may well be a nail biter given yesterdays upset when Zim beat the Aussies in their warm-up match. I dont think anyone saw that coming. One thing about Zimbabwe you cant miss however is the...

Sep 11 2007 1:33PM

There’s a sombre tone around the office today as so many of us are saddened by the loss of Dame Anita Roddick who died yesterday evening . I’m sure Anita would have been one of the many people who would be dismayed to hear how many...

Aug 23 2007 3:35PM
Kids with guns

Over the past 18 months, theres been a frightening wave of gun attacks which have resulted in many teenagers and now a pre-teen being shot and either wounded or killed. From where Im standing gun crime is far from going down, in fact...

Aug 16 2007 3:13PM
All shook up

Other stuff in the news today is that horrific video posted on the Internet of two men being killed execution style. Detail of the killing is absolutely appalling but thankfully the videos been removed from The...
