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Jun 25 2009 5:14PM
The Gilad Shalit case, or what is a cat worth?

What is a cat worth? Thought I’d ask not because I’m interested in selling a couple of dozen moggies or because I especially like furry felines (though I do), but because of this cryptic quote from the Hamas deputy leader, Moussa abu...

Jun 24 2009 3:03PM
Bagram: do you want to be a sponge or a punch-bag?

The BBC’s report about how 27 former detainees of the US military detention centre at Bagram in Afghanistan say they were abused doesn’t do a lot more than put more flesh on the bones of what we already knew. Journalists and...

Jun 18 2009 3:52PM
Hate in Belfast, hate in the world

I few years ago I had some hate mail from Combat 18, the neo-Nazi splinter group with historical links to the National Front and the BNP. Apparently C18 is a tiny organisation beloved of would-be bovver boys who really did absorb that...

Jun 15 2009 1:28PM
Iran's election: let them eat potatoes

What's going on in Iran? The results in the election have surprised commentators the world over. Mousavi supporters in Iran are naturally disappointed (to the point of saying the election’s been “stolen”) and the likes of Hillary...

Jun 5 2009 5:34PM
Is Dick Cheney President Obamas political doppelganger?

Long, long ago, when I were a mere university undergrad, they used to talk a lot in my English Lit department about “doubles” and doppelgänger s. I was always reading essays called “Doubles in the longer tales of Edgar Allen Poe” or...

Jun 1 2009 3:17PM
A Saudi crucifixion: to tweet or not to tweet?

"Those crucified are beheaded first and then their heads are sewn back on their bodies.” This is from a CNN news account of an execution that took place in Saudi Arabia on Friday, one of about 40 there so far this year (there were at...

May 27 2009 1:25PM
They havent done a very good job on you - MI5 and torture

Another week, another MI5 torture collusion allegation. Or that’s how it‘s beginning to feel. The Guardian’s front-page story today on the torture and arbitrary detention a British man called Jamil Rahman says he suffered in Bangladesh...

May 21 2009 6:07PM
Obamas security speech: a president unbound?

He’s in a “very difficult position” politically. He’s “trapped” by the Senate’s decision to block money . Oh, dear, Barack Obama is a virtual prisoner and his plan to close Guantánamo is left in limbo. Listening to some news reports...

May 19 2009 12:23PM
I am Martina Davis

Being a Stanley Kubrick fan (which cinema lover doesn't love at least one Kubrick classic?) I've obviously seen that slightly ropey early effort, Spartacus . It's okay. Just. But, whatever you think about Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis and...

May 13 2009 3:06PM
How much is that baby in the window?

I took a call this week from a reporter saying that her magazine had been investigating baby selling in Europe and found that you could buy a baby for as little as £1,200. Nice. This is the sort of stuff you hear about at Amnesty – ie...

May 12 2009 2:21PM
Gong! This is Brixton calling

So well done to Brixton Electric Radio. Winning four Sony radio awards is no mean achievement and amazing for a prison radio station. PopSugar might think it’s all about Chris Evans getting two awards or Vanessa Feltz getting hers, but...

May 7 2009 1:32PM
Torture: going, going, gone ...?

Fancy buying a rare piece of 16th-century torture equipment? Something like a “shame mask” originally used to enforce silence? Or a “tongue-tearer” which was used to punish blasphemers and heretics. Or a three-metre-long “rack” for...

May 6 2009 4:43PM
Gaza: to inquire, or not to inquire

Writing this only metres from the historical site of the theatre where the first Shakespeare plays were performed ( really! ) I think I can be forgiven for bastardising the Bard. Because today the question in this post is: “to inquire...

May 1 2009 3:10PM
Delara Darabis death: shocking news

Working at Amnesty you’re supposed to be kind of unshockable . But you know what … it ain’t so! For example … I got to my desk this morning and took a call even before I’d sat down properly. It wasn’t good news . In fact it was...

Apr 29 2009 1:51PM
Obama's 100 days in 100 words

Stealing an idea from the BBC’s Justin Webb , today I’m doing exactly 100 words on Obama’s first 100 days! So here’s my (super-brief!) evaluation. Good things: promising Guantánamo's termination within a year, announcing the closure of...

Apr 17 2009 3:05PM
A memo to Obama

President Obama has his foot firmly on the brake. In fact, he's already been footling around with the reverse gear. Famously fast out of the traps with his second-day-in-office “executive orders” against torture and Guantánamo Bay...

Apr 15 2009 3:09PM
Who wants to get out of Guantánamo?

So there you are – facing Chris Tarrant, you’re one correct answer off the big one (a cool million) and you don’t know the answer to the question. You know what you’re going to do, don’t you? Yes – phone a friend. Instead, try this one...

Apr 14 2009 1:22PM
No your honour, I didn't murder anyone, I just tried to defend the family's honour

I've blogged before about “honour killings” in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq – the area seems blighted by them. And, as blog readers will recall, it was a Kurdish family living in London who in 2006 killed Banaz Mahmod, the 20...

Apr 6 2009 2:07PM
Preen for me: Karzais vision of Afghan women?

So, why are our troops in Afghanistan if they’re helping to defend a government like this one? … was the question in a couple of interviews I’ve done since I last blogged on Friday. Bearing in mind that interviewers were referring to...

Apr 3 2009 4:55PM
Through a camera phone darkly: Swat valley sadists and the attack on womens rights

It’s an echo of that (even grimmer, horribly grotesque in fact) mobile phone footage of another teenage girl being punished, filmed and then broadcast around the world as a “warning” and an “example”. A couple of years ago a teenager...
