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Dec 10 2008 1:10PM
Cheer up: you are powerful

I’m conscious that in the course of the scores of posts I’ve made on the Amnesty media blog so far this year, not a lot of them have exactly been cheerful (despite my crap jokes and strained sarcasm). You could say: so what? Amnesty’s...

Dec 9 2008 10:21PM
This amp goes up to 19!

What a strange story! First a Wikipedia entry about the album cover from a (mostly) forgotten 1970s German heavy rock band is, apparently out of nowhere, censored . It’s all over the national (and international) media for two days then...

Dec 8 2008 6:55PM
Theres always one

Ever been to a party where one guest is determined to pour cold water on the fun and frolics? Well the Daily Mail has certainly sought to do that by attacking the Human Rights Act – on the week the world gears up to celebrate the 60th...

Dec 6 2008 2:54PM
Why use rape as a weapon?

Flicking through the news this morning I came on this horrific report of the gang rape of a teenage girl by seven teenage boys, mostly known to her, in east London. Staggering. Sickening. I can’t believe this happened close to where I...

Dec 4 2008 9:08PM
Guantánamo: in its death throes?

The closure of Guantánamo Bay will probably come not with a bang, but with a whimper. But come it will (says president-elect Barack Obama), only we don’t know when or how. The Guardian’s G2 today splashed on the “toxic legacy”...

Dec 3 2008 12:34PM
Torture in Mauritania: let me count the ways

How many ways can torturers find to hurt people? You’d maybe think that there’s a sort of limited number. Half a dozen. A dozen. Whatever. Actually, the more Amnesty stuff I read over the years the more I realise – chillingly enough –...

Dec 2 2008 2:29PM
In the red and yellow corner... Welcome to Thailand

What complete chaos Thailand has become. The whole situation seems to increasingly resemble a south-east Asian version of a heavyweight boxing match. In the yellow corner, we have the yellow-shirted People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD...

Dec 1 2008 5:28PM
Can things get much worse for the people of Zimbabwe?

Clearly 2008 has not been a good year for the people of Zimbabwe. Intense hunger for millions, instability, violence and serious human rights abuses have ravaged much of the country this year. And now with an outbreak of cholera...

Nov 28 2008 12:39PM
Iraqi prisoners at risk under the Sofa

Understandably, yesterday’s news was dominated by the appalling and sadly ongoing scenes from Mumbai, with gun battles in the streets and flames licking from the windows of luxury hotels. But an historic piece of news was somewhat...

Nov 27 2008 2:26PM
another broken ceasefire brings more instability

The Mumbai attacks and Thailand’s state of emergency on its airports are definitely the stories catching today’s media glare. Meanwhile, life for thousands of people in eastern Congo remains turbulent, volatile and pretty desperate...

Nov 26 2008 11:58AM
Picture this: Congo without war

To paraphrase John Lennon, you may call me a dreamer but I can imagine the Democratic Republic of Congo without war. Just. Shockingly, after a decade or more of continuous violence it’s actually now difficult to envisage a peaceful...

Nov 25 2008 2:51PM
Jam today, an end to sex trafficking tomorrow

Empty gesture from “jam makers”, or an important move to help tackle sexual slavery? Today’s news that those former barrackers of Tony Blair the Women’s Institute are going to start monitoring the local press for classified ads...

Nov 24 2008 5:57PM
Tasers: A Shock to the Policing System

I was surfing the TV channels last night and found myself watching one of those dreadful programmes that follow police around a town centre on a Friday night. It elicited a mixture of depression and terror: scores of boozed-up Brits...

Nov 21 2008 4:22PM
Counting down to the end of Guantanamo...

Looking forward to Obama sweeping into office and making his first action the closure of Guantanamo? Well maybe the courts will get there first. Yesterday a judge in Washington yesterday ruled that five Algerian men who have been held...

Nov 20 2008 1:11PM
The Congo: getting impatient

I caught the end of The Today Programme’s interview with Lord Malloch-Brown from Rwanda this morning, in which he talked about the ‘beginnings of a strategy’ forming on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It did make me wonder...

Nov 19 2008 4:59PM
Birkenhead made a buffer zone between warring factions

Occasionally in the Amnesty press office we get random calls asking ‘what’s the worst crisis right now that no one’s reporting?’ (and another favourite, ‘do you know where any war criminals are hiding? can I have their addresses?’)...

Nov 18 2008 12:27PM
Georgia/Russia: an inspector should call

What were you doing on Friday 8 August? As it happens, I can remember because that’s when I was working for Amnesty at the Edinburgh Festival. Why do I ask? Because this was when the astonishing news broke that Georgia and Russia were...

Nov 17 2008 5:09PM
I went to an Obama celebration party and all I got was this lousy t-shirt

I understand there was also quite a bit on planning for the presidential pooch, but Barack Obama’s big US television interview commitment to close Guantánamo, end torture and “regain America's moral stature in the world" has definitely...

Nov 14 2008 12:27PM
Supporting journalists at risk

I was at the British Film Institute on London’s South Bank yesterday evening. Not to see a movie but for the Rory Peck Awards , which recognise the work of freelance cameramen and camerawomen in TV newsgathering and current affairs...

Nov 13 2008 4:51PM
A woman is like wool; the more you beat her, the softer she'll be

The title is a popular saying in Armenia, subject of a new Amnesty report on violence against women, released today. Our researcher and my international press office colleague Lydia were in the capital Yeravan this morning to launch...
