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Nov 12 2008 5:00PM
Free speech and its limitations

There’s a lively debate about free speech going on at the moment, spearheaded it seems by the unlikely bedfellows of the Independent and the Daily Mail. The Indie’s beef is about new proposals that could give the government greater...

Nov 11 2008 5:12PM
Burmas response to blogging: imprison and be damned

"…a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing I ever saw in all my life!" Lewis Carroll might have revelled in the bizarre, through the looking glass world that is modern-day Burma. After all, how many other topsy-turvy places...

Nov 10 2008 1:00PM
A weekend with students

So there you have it, Student Conference over for another year. And well, what can I say? It was a blast. It was one of those times when you remember why you belong to Amnesty International. Firstly there was the unrepentant enthusiasm...

Nov 7 2008 1:16PM
Jailed for her religion, forced to work 19-hour days making cotton buds: the story of Chen Zhenping

Ever wondered where your cotton buds come from? (that’s Q-tips for American readers – the things you clean your ears out with but aren’t really meant to). No, me neither. Maybe we should. Amnesty’s just heard about the case of Chen...

Nov 6 2008 5:55PM
Aid workers and rights defenders under attack in Somalia

Stories from Somalia seem to be the hot topic for Amnesty this week. We began the week by flagging up the tragic story of the 13-year-old girl who was stoned to death, and today’s blog once again throws the escalating crisis in Somalia...

Nov 5 2008 11:31AM
Obama: a new dawn for human rights?

So it’s Barack! Resisting the (slightly obsessive?) need-to-know-as-it-happens-ness of staying up all night, I only heard the result at 7.30 this morning on the news. (Though well done to ChrisChris for posting at 2.49am!) In times...

Nov 4 2008 3:16PM
Today's youth defy the critics

Some people have got it into their heads that youth activism is on the decline and the days of the young changing the world have passed. Over the last few days I’ve witnessed first hand what complete nonsense that is. Yesterday I was...

Nov 3 2008 4:23PM
Somalia stoning: A story that left me reeling in shock and sadness

Although I work on human rights issues every day at Amnesty, there are some cases which leave me with pure sadness. And this latest story from Somalia is one such incident. You may have seen reports last week that a woman was stoned to...

Oct 30 2008 1:23PM
Theres only one Barcelona: the case of Yassine Bellasal

As anyone who’s visited our office in east London will know, Amnesty UK HQ is located in an untidy area of Shoreditch. But I like it. It’s hip, it’s happening and it’s got a lot of messy – and sometimes quite attractive – graffiti all...

Oct 29 2008 5:24PM
Crisis in Congo

The conflict bubbling across the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo between rebel groups and the government’s armed forces is dominating much of the international news agenda. Channel Four News opened last night's...

Oct 28 2008 11:58AM
Torture and soup

No, it’s not one of the lesser-known stories from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, but a Radio 4 programme from last night. I don’t catch as much R4 evening radio as I’d like to (whenever I tune into this 8pm slot I nearly always stumble...

Oct 27 2008 11:46AM
Launching We Are All Born Free

Now this year is a little bit special for us at Amnesty International. Why? I hear you ask. Well, it’s the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (try saying that in a snappy way). And tonight sees the launch of...

Oct 24 2008 1:30PM
BloggerSwap08 - the verdict

Our new “Blogger Swap” with the Telegraph got off to a flying start yesterday with a slightly-inflammatory blog about the death penalty by yours truly, which (predictably) stirred things up a bit. Comments were still coming as of this...

Oct 23 2008 1:56PM
The siege of Troy Davis

I’ve written about it a couple of times already so won’t go through all the ins and outs, but just pose this question? Is the US state of Georgia really going to execute Troy Davis ? Yes, I know a trial jury found him guilty, a judge...

Oct 22 2008 5:34PM
The dog ate my homework...

My first day back at work after a year’s maternity leave – with a horrible feeling of being back at school and not having done my homework! I might foolishly have hoped that after a whole year away from Amnesty I’d come back to find...

Oct 21 2008 1:10PM
deadly consequences of a flawed justice system

Although I’ve worked at Amnesty for nearly three years, I never stop being shocked at some of the reports we receive about the dreadfully cruel and inhumane way people are treated around the world. And today’s report about life for men...

Oct 20 2008 3:21PM
La Camorra, un gruppo Talibanese or why the Naples mafia are Italys very own Taliban

You can almost pass over the seemingly endless reports of yet more Taliban killings in Afghanistan or Pakistan. That, sadly, is how it seems to go with a bleak “fixed” situation. “Oh, more Taliban killings. Right”. You almost need to...

Oct 17 2008 1:29PM
Freedom to grow old

Ever had that moment when you suddenly realise you’re getting old? Alexander Chancellor writes in the Guardian of how he refuses offers of a seat on the tube because he doesn’t want to be thought of as old. The people offering their...

Oct 16 2008 6:01PM
Pinochet's legacy

What’s the first thing you think of when you think of General Pinochet? Dictator? Military junta? Chile? Well for us at Amnesty, we would probably agree with most of that, but we would defnitely have to add one other element: the...

Oct 15 2008 1:37PM
Mercury Rev: has a Russian human rights lawyer been poisoned?

There’s very worrying news around about the possible poisoning of leading Russian human rights lawyer Karinna Moskalenko. The French police have started an investigation after she and her family became ill on Monday. It seems the...
