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Nov 20 2007 12:32PM
Burma monks leader faces death penalty

What price do you put on free speech and the right to peaceful protest? Sadly in Burma, the cost could well be life. In September, the All-Burma Monks Alliance was instrumental in getting thousands of monks onto the streets in pro...

Nov 19 2007 1:20PM
A Shock to the System

We were appalled at Amnesty by video footage that came out last week on YouTube, showing the last moments of a man who died after being stunned with an electro-shock Taser by police at Vancouver International Airport last month. The...

Nov 16 2007 12:06PM
One Step closer to a more humane world

A special edition of todays blog from our Head of Campaigns Janet Hague, to mark some fantastic news Last night the UN voted in favour of a global moratorium on executions , calling on all states that still maintain the death penalty...

Nov 15 2007 4:22PM
Veiled threats

Alarming reports emerged today of a rise in violence against women in the Iraqi city of Basra being carried out by Islamist extremists and suspected Shia militias. A powerful piece on the Today program detailed the intimidation...

Nov 14 2007 1:05PM
Moral pygmies say sorry

Big news overnight on the notorious case of Yahoo and how it handed across information on Chinese activists who later got imprisoned. Yahoo has settled a lawsuit with the families of Wang Xiaoning, a pro-democracy blogger and Shi Tao...

Nov 12 2007 6:38PM
Fuel to the fire

As our clear winter skies were shrouded with thick plumes of black smoke rising from the warehouse fire in East London, today further reports of political turmoil emerged from Pakistan amid mounting international pressure on General...

Nov 9 2007 2:56PM
At home with human rights

I worked from home yesterday. Yes, I know it can be a euphemism for catching up on daytime TV but I really did work from home. It was only in the evening, after Id finished my hours spent diligently at the computer, that I realised I...

Nov 8 2007 3:23PM
States of emergency fest

Today, its all about states of emergency more commonly known among some of the worlds more notorious governments as how to get away with human rights violations the easy way. Firstly, weve got Georgia on our mind (I couldnt resist it)...

Nov 7 2007 1:55PM
Late Detention

Lots of debate today inside and outside Parliament over how long the UK should be able to detain people without charge, following a proposed Counter-Terrorism Bill listed in the Queens Speech (which contained no mention of a detention...

Nov 6 2007 12:51PM
Black Rod's not getting in

After last weeks Saudi visit - and graphic evidence that neither the Queen or Parliament has yet chucked out the chintz - today weve got the Queens Speech . So, theres much media anticipation of the colourful ceremony, of men wearing...

Nov 5 2007 2:31PM
Pakistan gets lost in translation

The meaning of language is an amazing thing. On Saturday, President Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency in Pakistan. What that actually meant in reality was clearly open to interpretation. His text talked of the need to...

Oct 31 2007 12:08PM
Fair trials or curfews?

Cherie Blairs interview on the Today programme very much skirted the issue of the serious violations of womens rights in Saudi Arabia . While its great that she has flagged up the fact that womens rights need to be upheld within any...

Oct 30 2007 1:47PM
Israel, Blackwater and Arranged Marriage

Its all about the law today. First up, Israel. In response to rocket attacks launched from the Gaza Strip, the Israelis decided to tackle the problem at the source. A rational decision on the face of it. So what did they opt for...

Oct 29 2007 2:13PM
A media storm blows up over Saudi Arabia

Which is the odd one out? Burma, Zimbabwe or Saudi Arabia? The governments of all three countries have terrible human rights records. Weve written much about Burma in this blog of late, reflecting the media interest sparked by massive...

Oct 26 2007 3:00PM
Don't be afraid

Halloween's drawing near and I'm contemplating scaring myself silly with a few choice horror films (and ignoring the trick-or-treaters at the door). But in Lithuania and Italy, its homosexuality that has paralysed some people with fear...

Oct 25 2007 2:10PM
Just Google it

You, like me, probably think Google Earth is pretty impressive. Along with Google Map (and quite a few other G products it has to be said!) I think the search tools are nothing short of amazing. (I especially like the hybrid map view...

Oct 24 2007 5:17PM
Spookily close to the truth

Although I am slightly gutted that I missed the first episode of Spooks which was on last week (I was in NYC so really I shouldnt complain), Im delighted its back on the screen. Its just as gripping as previous seasons although I have...

Oct 23 2007 3:40PM
Talking Turkey

Its interesting to visit a country just as some newsworthy event happens and, just as I flew into Istanbul on Friday to visit Amnesty International Turkey, the country seemed to be heading inevitably towards military action in...

Oct 22 2007 3:41PM
Silent nights as sport bumps real news down the agenda

Its Monday and we here at Amnesty have a new world record the quietest weekend of calls in history. Of course its all down to a small weekend of sport. There was the disappointment of Lewis Hamilton in Formula One and the repercussions...

Oct 19 2007 12:58PM
Are two blogs better than one?

Two legs bad, four legs good. Remember that? Anyway, two blogs for the price of one today. First a quickie from me, then over to our NYC blogger. Main news is the unbelievable bloodshed that greeted Benazir Bhutto , only hours after...
