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Oct 18 2007 2:09PM
Iran and Burma: A picture is worth a thousand words

It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Now given the amount of new material that hit the Amnesty inbox in the last 24 hours, weve got a novel on our hands. Firstly there was a great eight-minute film made by the...

Oct 17 2007 2:14PM
Russia: Theres more to worry about than the plastic pitch

This afternoon Ill be hoping to sneak off and catch Englands must-win football match against Russia, controversially played on a plastic pitch. To be honest, if we try to use that as an excuse for failing to beat a side weve already...

Oct 16 2007 4:04PM
Get up off the sofa and ... go to the cinema

Its all Ming today and while we welcomed his comments a couple of months ago on human rights, China and the Olympics, we havent got a lot to say here in the office about his age and what happens next. Too old? Too well-dressed? Should...

Oct 15 2007 5:21PM
Party conference season, Beijing-style

Forgetting rugby for a moment, all eyes are on China this week as the 17th Communist Party Congress kicks off. The Guardian carries a story highlighting the lack of transparency and the curious mix of capitalism and socialism that is...

Oct 12 2007 2:54PM
The killings fields of Iraq, and Afghanistan, and Lebanon ...

More tragic news from Iraq, with reports saying that 15 women and children were killed yesterday in a US air strike in northern Iraq. The American military has apologised, while saying that the attacks were targeting senior al-Qaida...

Oct 11 2007 2:14PM
Mighty Metro on Zimbabwe

Stunning piece on Zimbabwe on the front page of todays Metro . Getting a rare glimpse into the secretive country, the paper highlights the death of Vincent Sibanda, a nine-month-old baby boy and the latest victim of the AIDS epidemic...

Oct 10 2007 4:55PM
Protest - online or in court

Busy day yesterday, launching our new Unsubscribe campaign first in Birmingham , where the bulk of the campaign billboards are posted, and then at a blogger event, Changing the way we change the world at our Human Rights Action Centre...

Oct 9 2007 2:51PM
Click here to Unsubscribe

Watching the number of people joining our new online campaign edge ever closer to 10,000 just ahead of the official launch in Birmingham this morning took me back to the days when similar excitement could be had by tuning in to Blue...

Oct 8 2007 2:35PM
Iraqi refugees get lost in media circus

So this afternoon, up stepped the PM to face the snarling media pack all desperate for blood. And their fascination? The Election That Never Was (ETNW). Sometimes you wish the media would get a grip. The ETNW dominated while the story...

Oct 6 2007 6:11PM
Bonus blog: Burma demo

Yes, a bonus blog today! Im just back from the big Burma demo in Trafalgar Square - a fantastic, moving event. The place was swathed in red: armbands, headbands, flags and plenty of Amnesty banners. Check my flickr pics here. There...

Oct 5 2007 2:14PM
Ironies and oddities

The decision by Burma’s military ruler to meet imprisoned democratically-elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi is so riddled with conditions that it makes me wonder if they really want to make that happen. It also seems slightly incongruous...

Oct 4 2007 2:39PM
Are vets more humane than doctors?

First do no harm. Thats the ethical code that doctors sign up to, so an execution chamber is a strange place to find them. As Amnesty shows in a new report out today , doctors, anaesthetists and other medical personnel have been using...

Oct 3 2007 3:05PM
Dr Brain strikes again

The brilliantly named Dr Brain is fronting a new drive from the police to crack down on sex traffickers - the criminals who literally buy and sell women and girls (occasionally men) into sexual slavery. Weve talked about this in...

Oct 2 2007 1:10PM
Warm words, but is anyone listening?

Another striking striking front-page today: The callous hypocrisy of our asylum system. The paper contrasts last weeks warm words from Gordon Brown about how we need to support human rights in Burma, Darfur and Zimbabwe, with the fact...

Oct 1 2007 3:08PM
Actions speak louder than words

I’m contentedly biting into a delightful Belgian praline as I write this as I’ve just returned from the lovely town of Ghent in Belgium where I attended a conference for Amnesty press staff across the EU. Nothing works quite like...

Sep 28 2007 3:37PM
The eyes of the world

As though the situation in Burma wasnt miserable enough with several other deaths and much bloodshed - we can now add another name to the very long list of journalists killed in the course of opening the eyes of you, me and everyone...

Sep 27 2007 12:36PM
The rules of the game haven't changed after all

Were expecting over 200 people at our demo outside the Burmese embassy in London today. Its at 12.00 noon at 19a Charles Street, Mayfair, London W1. There are other demos from Amnesty sections all over the world today. Our messages are...

Sep 26 2007 2:38PM
All eyes on Burma

We are all watching the events unfolding in Burma today and - like others - giving comment, calling for the UN to send a mission to help resolve the crisis and urging the countries with most influence China, India and Japan to help...

Sep 25 2007 5:56PM
Brown, Burma and maroon

Was it just me, or did our new PM saying human rights are universal in his maiden leaders speech at Labour Party Conference , make you sit up and think? Of course, Gordon Browns comments come on the back of the growing unrest in Burma...

Sep 24 2007 3:39PM
The great Iraq refugee scandal

As if Iraq and the region didnt have enough crippling problems, another one is the massive crisis around refugees . Two million people have fled the shocking violence in Iraq. Most have gone into Jordan and Syria and are scraping by as...
