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Sep 21 2007 2:48PM
Summit to think about

Ive been impressed by the series of News Specials on ITV News this week, using undercover filming in Zimbabwe to show us the deepening crisis there. You can watch all these, and an interview with Gordon Brown, online. ITVs reports have...

Sep 20 2007 4:51PM
There's money to be made

Though theyre called honour killings, theyre actually plain murders, and the latest high-profile example of one these ghoulish killings to preserve family honour or good name is the case of Surjit Athwal . She disappeared in 1998 after...

Sep 19 2007 2:20PM
Tear gas and electric shocks just for expressing a view

Burma is rarely out of the news due to the extreme savagery of a military government which presides over mass political imprisonment, forced labour and torture . But the images of saffron robe-clad monks facing teargas and warning...

Sep 18 2007 4:51PM
Sleeping more soundly

Brilliant news in late last night, too late for todays British newspapers Scotsman Kenny Richey is to be moved off death row in Ohio and into a regular county jail. This is an enormous triumph for those who have campaigned on Mr...

Sep 17 2007 2:03PM
A question of compassion

The Times steps up its support today for the blogger-led campaign on behalf of the UK armys Iraqi employees now facing persecution in Iraq, in a strident leader entitled A question of honour . This follows a page lead story in which...

Sep 14 2007 2:23PM
Stop Press

Even when human rights have been won they still need to be defended against further attacks. Four outspoken Egyptian newspaper editors have discovered this to their cost. The Guardian reports today that, despite a relative...

Sep 13 2007 3:39PM
Who's keeping score?

Englands Twenty20 match against Zimbabwe today may well be a nail biter given yesterdays upset when Zim beat the Aussies in their warm-up match. I dont think anyone saw that coming. One thing about Zimbabwe you cant miss however is the...

Sep 12 2007 2:17PM
Does the UK really want to benefit from torture?

Once again the UK authorities attitude to torture is in the news again this time a Bloggers have already started writing about the story too. Dergoul was held and ill-treated in both Afghanistan and Guantanamo. Heres how he described...

Sep 11 2007 1:33PM

There’s a sombre tone around the office today as so many of us are saddened by the loss of Dame Anita Roddick who died yesterday evening . I’m sure Anita would have been one of the many people who would be dismayed to hear how many...

Sep 10 2007 4:26PM
The oldest profession in the world?

News today that the Government is looking at changing the law on prostitution. This has been prompted in part because of the enormous number of women and girls now trafficked and forced into prostitution in the UK, and the difficulties...

Sep 7 2007 1:55PM
What am I?

There's very lively comment around on the idea of a national DNA database for Britain . Its one of those divisive issues that, on closer inspection, is much less clear-cut than it looks. On the one side libertarians and civil liberties...

Sep 6 2007 11:33AM
Basra, Bloggers and Bourne

Now that British troops have pulled out of Basra and the post-withdrawal analysis still rumbles on in the media Spiked has a really interesting piece dismissing the whole thing as a PR stunt - put yourself in the shoes of one of the...

Sep 5 2007 3:07PM
Another brick out of the wall

So - our daily slog-to the-office here at the London Amnesty HQ is getting back to normal after the Tube strikes been called off (though, hey, when is commuting in London ever normal?).But imagine your daily commute if the military in...

Sep 4 2007 2:32PM
Iraq: making the conflict Finnish

Years go by and you hardly hear anything about it - and then it starts getting in the news every day. Thats how it is with Burma right now. At the weekend we had President Bushs significant other - Laura Bush - saying that the United...

Sep 3 2007 2:04PM
If you cant say it clearly, you dont understand it yourself

Amnesty, as part of a movement of millions of people around the world, has been campaigning for action to end the brutal killing and rape in Darfur for more than three years now, and frankly it has been difficult to understand why the...

Aug 31 2007 2:40PM
Prepare to be shocked

One day I sat down beside the track, Grand Prix about to commence, and touched a live wire. I sprang to my feet, clutching my wrist. The pain wasnt that bad but I nevertheless resolved to try and avoid electric shocks in future. This I...

Aug 30 2007 1:03PM
Kenneth Foster is the wrong man

Its the nightmare that weve all imagined: youre accused of a crime that you didnt commit and no matter what you say youre found guilty by the authorities. Its the classic Kafka situation - Joseph K in The Trial hauled before the...

Aug 29 2007 3:20PM
Cerf's up

Theres plenty of news about the clampdown on free speech online. China has reportedly stepped-up its policing of the Internet and will now have two Cyber-cop characters that pop up on the screen to remind Chinese surfers that they are...

Aug 28 2007 2:21PM
In defence of rottweilers

So 10 people have been arrested over the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskayas murder last year. Its a welcome development, certainly - far too many killers of journalists and opponents of Putins government have been getting away with...

Aug 24 2007 3:14PM
Sudan defies arms embargo

I was pleased that amid the understandable furore over shootings in the UK, the media has also widely reported Amnesty’s revelation that the Sudanese government is continuing to deploy offensive military equipment in Darfur. This...
