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Aug 23 2007 3:35PM
Kids with guns

Over the past 18 months, theres been a frightening wave of gun attacks which have resulted in many teenagers and now a pre-teen being shot and either wounded or killed. From where Im standing gun crime is far from going down, in fact...

Aug 22 2007 2:09PM
Dying for a Human Rights Act

In Burma there is severe repression of all opposition to the military government. Hundreds of people are in prison for their political views, in conditions that are very harsh. Just yesterday the government put down a small protest...

Aug 21 2007 4:57PM
We can make it if we try

All trials are important to someone, but some of are of much greater political and symbolic importance getting human rights abusers on trial is a massive step towards ending the impunity with which most abuses are committed. Weve been...

Aug 20 2007 2:37PM
Its not the winning that counts

Im particularly upset about it because it kind of works as an endorsement of big money, no matter where its from , being able to buy anything, even a precious football victory, and then maybe endure less enquiries about its legitimacy...

Aug 17 2007 2:30PM
The company you keep

He never got a clear answer but the encounter was a telling one nevertheless.< The company, Trafigura finds itself being sued on behalf of more than 7,000 Ivorians who allegedly became sick when a company commissioned by Trafigura...

Aug 16 2007 3:13PM
All shook up

Other stuff in the news today is that horrific video posted on the Internet of two men being killed execution style. Detail of the killing is absolutely appalling but thankfully the videos been removed from The...

Aug 15 2007 1:16PM
Conveyor belt of death

The Independent does go in for some pretty striking front pages , doesnt it? Todays is a corker: a moody photo of an electric chair with Bushs lethal legacy: more executions strap. The storys about how there are new moves in the US to...

Aug 14 2007 5:25PM
Midnight's Children

The stories of millions of midnights children who were forced to flee their homes to the other side of the new Pakistan-India border in August 1947 are horrific millions of people slaughtered and made homeless . Some of these can be...

Aug 13 2007 1:33PM
A world without mobiles

As we mentioned on Friday - big news on the Kenny Richey case. This man from Scotland whos been on death row in the USA for a staggering 20 years, has won an appeal that could see him finally released. An appeals court in Ohio said...

Aug 10 2007 6:51PM
We wanna be free, to do what we wanna do

I can see that the MoD might want to stop staff from inadvertently giving away information that might jeopardise security Were going to be patrolling Acacia Avenue in Basra tomorrow, I hope there isnt going to be any trouble wouldnt be...

Aug 9 2007 3:12PM
A death foretold

There are more and more reports overnight that Pakistans President Musharraf is about to declare a state of emergency in Pakistan, another worrying development in a country thats really suffering right now. After the killings at the...

Aug 8 2007 1:51PM
No medals for China

I mentioned it in an earlier blog - the issue of the Iraqi interpreters who have worked for UK forces in Iraq and are being denied help by the UK - and the situations now really blown up. After days of coverage, including high-profile...

Aug 7 2007 2:59PM
Up in arms

It’s always great to start the morning off on a positive note, it makes the day go so much better, I think. So I was delighted when after my first hour in the office I heard that the Foreign Office had requested that five British...

Aug 6 2007 2:24PM
Best of the Fest

Confusion in the media today about 14 people on the run after breaking out from Campsfield detention centre in Oxfordshire. I picked up a copy of the Metro this morning to see the headline Asylum seekers on the run; others report that...

Aug 3 2007 3:04PM
Swedish values?

More unbelievably grisly news from Iraq today (when isnt there?), this time about a young boy found next to the bodies of his five brothers, all of whom had been killed while doing a painting job at a hospital. I feel almost sorry to...

Aug 1 2007 2:27PM
If you do the crime...

For more than four years people in that region have suffered some of the worst crimes known to man . Thousands have died, millions have fled their homes and countless others have been butchered, raped or tortured. Gordon Brown has...

Jul 31 2007 3:20PM
Sealing the Special Relationship

Desperate to try and understand how the UK/US relationship has changed with our new PM, todays papers pour over yesterdays meeting at Camp David, amid much hilarity about the leaders spin in Golf Cart One. The Telegraph employs a body...

Jul 30 2007 6:13PM
Behind the Fringe

The debate couldn’t be more apt at a festival that’s all about freedom of expression, of course, which is what makes Edinburgh an important place for Amnesty to be. I’m getting excited about going up to Edinburgh for a couple of weeks...

Jul 27 2007 2:04PM
You can't arrest my Dad...

The conviction at the Old Bailey yesterday of a 70 year old woman and her son for the so-called ‘honour killing’ of her daughter-in-law is a horrific reminder that women are often most vulnerable to violence in their own homes and from...

Jul 26 2007 3:22PM
Wheels of Shame....

The annual inhuman feat of the Tour (Im hooked: highlights every night on ITV4 ...), has again been brought into disrepute with a series of revelations about athletes using performance-enhancing drugs, leading to two whole teams being...
