Rachel O'Brien
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Forced disappearances have become a grim reality in Pakistan, particularly in regions like Balochistan. The systematic targeting of activists, political dissenters, and students has left thousands missing.
The Anti-Racist demonstrations in August show communities that neutralise hate exist. Against the echoes of imperialism and seething rage on our doorsteps, we showed up and painted a picture of tolerant, accepting communities.
Amnesty UK’s first event, Deconstructing Power, is set to take place in a few weeks, with a lineup of powerful speakers and a range of thought-provoking discussions.
The question before us now is: What can we do? Can we stand by and watch as Afghan women are silenced and subjugated, or will we, as a nation, step up and take meaningful action?
As of 8 August 2024, the National Register of Missing and Disappeared Persons reported up to 116,386 disappeared and missing persons. With the numbers ever rising, this is not just a historical problem.
It has been five years since India revoked Jammu and Kashmir's semi-autonomous status, a decision that plunged the region into a stringent lockdown marked by extensive control over freedom of the press, expression, and politics.
The fruits of the student liberation movement are only beginning to be felt. A decade of brute oppression is slowly coming undone.
On 26 July the United Nations Committee against Torture published its latest review of the situation in Türkiye.
Bangladesh is witnessing a deadly crackdown against student protesters. The heavy-handed response from the authorities has resulted in several hundred deaths of students, journalists and bystanders, as well as thousands being injured.
A new campaign on the Families of the Disappeared coming soon.
On 14th June 2023, the “Adriana” packed with an estimated 750 refugees sank off the coast of Pylos, Greece. Over 600 people including many children drowned.
Hey everyone, Thanks for checking out our blog. We hope you find the content worthy of a read and share. I wanted to leave a personal note as I was inspired by another newsletter from Emily Horton, a piece titled ‘ Rest: a political...
So, when someone asks if it is it safe to go to Kashmir as a tourist, the answer is, yes tourists are safe in Kashmir, but Kashmiris live in fear of a knock on the door.
On the 20th of September 2023, Amnesty International launched a new campaign to help put an end to Algeria’s mounting climate of repression.
To learn more about Amnesty International UK’s Activist Led Campaign on Kashmir, contact us on kashmircampaign@amnesty.org.uk to join the supporter network and receive regular updates.
This blog was written by Cherry Bird, Country Coordinator for India. In the period just before the fourth anniversary of the revocation of article 370, which deprived Kashmir of its status as India’s only Muslim majority state...
Presidential elections took place in Zimbabwe on the 22nd of August 2023 resulting in victory for incumbent president Emmerson Mnangagwa, from the governing Zanu-PF party. The elections were marked by multiple human rights abuses.
This blog was written by Jerry Allen, Country Coordinator for Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Freedom of expression and the right to protest are being repressed in Bangladesh in the build-up to the elections in January 2024.
Written by James Baird, Country Coordinator for Venezuela Criticizing the government in Venezuela takes courage. The authorities are infamous for persecuting and harassing journalists and human rights activists, with Venezuela being...