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Aug 22 2013 12:03PM
Reports from the ground: a week of violence and curfew in Egypt

Diana Eltahawy is our Egypt researcher and has spent much of the last few weeks in Cairo. Tension is palpable in Cairo’s eerily empty streets. The night-time curfew imposed last Wednesday following the violent dispersals of pro-Morsi...

Aug 22 2013 10:47AM
Poetry and Motion - Amnesty's Annual Lecture at the Edinburgh International Book Festival

Award-winning author Jackie Kay began this year’s annual Amnesty Scotland Annual Lecture with a poem. Her son Matthew, sitting beside her on the stage, had made the documentary Over the Wall about a British football team’s trip to the...

Aug 21 2013 6:47PM
The David Miranda and Guardian rows: What to read

Storify by Amnesty UK Wed, Aug 21 2013 10:44:46 0 0 The David Miranda & Guardian rows: what to read Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Linkedin Share by email As the David Miranda row continues, a lot has been...

Aug 21 2013 2:35PM
What Amnesty is doing on Egypt, and why

It was early in the morning of 14 August when Mohamed ( 1 ) heard the warning. He was taking part in the Rabaa al-Adawiya sit-in to protest against the ousting of President Morsi in early July. It had been threatened with dispersal by...

Aug 20 2013 3:24PM
Eggs and bullets: the occupational hazards of a politician

Ed Miliband had an egg thrown at him last week . “These things happen” he said afterwards, shrugging off his coat (and perhaps his embarrassment) and continuing about his business. I guess having eggs thrown at you is a bit of an...