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Jul 5 2010 11:16PM
The Uyghur voice: 2009-10, and beyond

' The Uyghur voice: 2009-10, and beyond ' by Henryk Szadziewski summarizes Uyghur's conditions since the bloodshed in Shaoguan and Urumqi.

Jul 5 2010 1:49PM
UK abuse during asylum removals must stop

The Independent carries a powerful front-page “special investigation” today exposing the abuse of asylum seekers while they are being forcibly removed from the UK. Sadly it’s not news to Amnesty. Back in 2005, our report on the...

Jul 5 2010 12:20AM
Nasrges Mohammedi out of jail but straight to hospital!

Narges Mohammedi, journalist and human rights campaigner who worked with Shirin Ebadi in Tehran and managed Ebadi's offices of human rights centre after she left the country, was detained in her home on the evening of 10 June 2010 in...

Jul 3 2010 9:03AM
China: New testimonies reinforce call for Xinjiang riot investigation

Amnesty International is urging the Chinese government to launch an independentinvestigation into last year’s riots in the Xinjiang Uighur AutonomousRegion, after new testimony obtained by the organisation has cast furtherdoubt on the...

Jul 2 2010 6:15PM
New testimonies put spotlight back on Uighurs

Why can’t we get a little bit of openness from the Chinese authorities? I know it’s a bit of a Groundhog Day -type question, but it is Friday afternoon and surely I’m allowed to show a bit of frustration! Anyway, why am I asking this...