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Jul 2 2010 12:00PM
Radios for Burma: An Update

A few weeks ago we launched an appeal to buy radios for Burma. Our aim was to raise £50,000 – enough money to distribute 4,000 radios in the country. The radios we buy will help amplify independent media so that the people of Burma can...

Jul 1 2010 10:45PM
Human Rights Defender Li Jinfang Summoned by Police, Home Raided and Property Confiscated

(ChineseHumanRightsDefenders, July 1, 2010) Fifteenpolice officers raided the Xianghe County, Hebei Province home of humanrightsdefender Li Jinfang (李金芳)thisafternoon,confiscating74 items, including human rights-relateddocuments...

Jul 1 2010 7:05PM
Veiled threats from the backbenches

Tory MP Philip Hollobone has tabled a private members' bill which would ban Muslim women from wearing burqas or full-face veils in public places. Reportedly the bill has very little chance of becoming law, as the main parties aren’t...

Jul 1 2010 8:33AM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly  June 22-30, 2010

Highlights Sichuan Democracy Activist Liu Xianbin Criminally Detained for “Inciting Subversion of State Power:” Having already served two jail terms for his activism, the most recent lasting nearly a decade, Sichuan democracy activist...

Jun 30 2010 12:41PM
This blog may be filtered by the Cuban government

Open any newspaper on any day and you will almost certainly read an article thats criticising the government in one way or another. Whether it be the governments stance on immigration, on the economy or even on the human rights of...