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May 7 2010 12:57PM
Election deals on wheels: human rights fall under a bus

It is, as they say, all very fluid. The Lib Dems + Conservatives? A Lib-Lab pact? Tories plus the Democratic Unionist Party? David Cameron, Caroline Lucas and Amnesty International? OK, I made that last one up. That’s right, Amnesty...

May 6 2010 10:02PM
AIUK AGM 2010: Unanimous 'yes' for childrens rights work at IS - and now?

Well, it’s been a while since the last post, but what a fitting day – the day of the General Election – to write about Amnesty UK’s AGM, held at Warwick University in early April. I started writing this children’s human rights blog...

May 6 2010 5:15PM
Snatched by aliens? No, by armed men in the North Caucasus

As the (appropriately-named) Sun reports today, a senior Russian leader’s claim that he was abducted by aliens is … well, unusual . Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the president of the Russian republic of Kalmykia, has been on TV in Russia saying...

May 6 2010 10:29AM
Voting for human rights

This General Election matters for human rights around the world. It's true that no-one’s going to force any of us to vote one way or another, or lock us up for speaking out on behalf of our particular political favourite. But human...

May 6 2010 8:32AM
Place your cross with care

Today you have the chance to place your cross, to vote in the UK's general election. Some may not bother to vote but I think that it is an important duty and a privilege as well. I recommend voting carefully, because not all parties...