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(ChineseHuman Rights Defenders- April 9, 2010)Plainclothes police officers seized writer and human rights activist GuChuan (古川)as he left his Beijing home this morning, taking him in for seven hoursofinterrogation. While Gu was being...
I reckon the tributes to punk impresario Malcolm McLaren have been selling the old rascal short. Too much focus on the music, too little attention being paid to the spectacle, the protest and the deliberate stage management of outrage...
I am surprised and delighted to find out from the Jubilee Debt Campaign that the bill to control vulture funds has gone through all its stages in the two houses of parliament, leaving just the formality of royal assent. I was doubtful...
From our friends at Casa Allianza Nicaragua, who led a team to the first ever Deloitte Street Children World Cup : PLEASE HELP: STREET KIDS ROUNDED UP BY POLICE IN SOUTHAFRICA I’m sure you will have read our recent reports about the...
OK, it’s not a surprise that countries have “hit lists” (not music charts) and that their intelligence services bump people off, as the deceptively cosy phrase has it. But what to make of the US giving a special media briefing to...