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Mahboubeh Karami, member of One Million Signature Campaign was arrested last year in Tehran and kept in solitary for 200 days. Mahboobeh had not committed any crime. Her only crime is being member of the Campaign. Last year, when her...
ON 5th April 2010, WikiLeaks released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad including two Reuters journalists. Reuters obtained the video through...
Rory Carroll writes in the Observer about Guillermo Farinas, a journalist who is on hunger strike in Cuba . President Raul Castro took over from his brother who was ill and there was talk of easing political and economic restrictions...
At last the UK general election is set. I have just seen a survey on the internet about what would influence people in deciding how to vote. Would it be the leader of the party, the candidate, local issues, national issues, to keep a...
A report by Iranian human rights activists who have fled Iran in fear of persecution in recent months through hazardous mountains of Kurdestan into Turkey and now live in dire circumstance waiting to be re-settled. NIGDE, Turkey –...
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