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An attempt by the UK Border Agency last week to forcibly remove some 44 refused Iraqi asylum seekers and send them back to Baghdad appears to have been conducted by the Keystone Cops – or rather the Keystone Private Security...
Saturday, October 17, 2009 Rouhi Shafii The Iranian government has accelerated its reign of executions despite international condmentations. Two categories of prisoners are at the immidiate risk of execution: a number of people who...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
Regular readers of my blog (well there may be some) will know that I am keen on music. I was shocked though to read on the Guardian's science blog about the military use of music . Some of the soldiers interviewed for a study said that...
Looking at the website of the Nobel prize committee I found an interview about why Barack Obama was awarded this year's Peace prize. Like many others I was surprised that Obama was awarded the prize so early and I would like to wait...
The murder of Alberto Luis Pastrana and the attempted murder of teachers union leader Mario Montes de Oca Anaya outside the San Jeroimo hospital in Monteria, Cordoba province, Colombia on 1 October, following closely on the killings of...