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It would be little exaggeration to say there’s only one story in town right now: Afghanistan. Well OK, there’s the business of the insanely fast “Lightning Bolt” (forget that old joke about languorous Jamaicans dahn at the beach ), and...
It is two months since Shiva Nazar- Ahari, was detained by the security forces and taken to the notorious Evin prison in Tehran. Despit all efforts, her family have not been able to visit her. Her sister Nazafarin Nazar- Ahari has...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
It's a never ending story. The detention, kidnapping, arrests and assualt of the Iranian people since the June presidentional elections. Days have gone into weeks and months since the day, Mahmoud ahmadinejad backed by the supremes...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
There is a new campaign against the traficking of children . The three-year campaign involves ECPAT UK and the Body Shop. A survey has shown that many people in the UK are not aware of the scale of child traficking.
Are you enjoying the US debate about whether a universal healthcare system guaranteeing basic cover for everyone is a good thing or socialism gone mad? Some of us whinge about the NHS from time to time but it’s glorious to watch...