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Jan 20 2011 4:03PM
Dread! This is a message to you Ruudi...

As a fly-by-night football fan (!) I couldn’t help but notice that there were two big football stories in the overnight news. First Eric Cantona has been appointed director of soccer at New York Cosmos. “Oh la la, it’s Cantona”, as the...

Jan 20 2011 7:55AM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly   January 11-18, 2011

Highlights U.S. Must Deliver on Promise of Making Human Rights the Guiding Principle of its China Policy: In a statement this week, CHRD urged President Obama to send a strong and clear public message during meetings with Chinese...

Jan 19 2011 3:20PM
Baby Doc, in the dock

The media swarm over the first anniversary of the Haiti earthquake had begun to quell, when in waltzed the former dictator who had made a run for it 25 years ago amid the fierce protests which finally put pay to his tyrannical rule...

Jan 18 2011 2:02PM
13-year-old Jordan Brown at risk of life imprisonment without parole in the USA

*Posted on behalf of Frances* Amnesty International continues its campaign calling on the prosecution to drop its pursuit of trial in an adult court for 13-year-old Jordan Brown. Jordan Brown is accused of murdering his father's...

Jan 18 2011 1:27PM
Gaza: growing new teeth for justice

For the second day running, I’m kicking off a post with a @jrug (C4 News’ Jonathan Rugman) tweet (hey, he gives good tweet!), sent while covering the upheaval in Tunisia: “Israeli journo covering Tunis protests: ‘They shout Palestinian...