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Dec 8 2011 11:01AM
China human rights briefing: November 30-December 6, 2011

Ding Mao, Detained During Jasmine Revolution Crackdown, Released Into Residential Surveillance: Sichuan activist Ding Mao (丁矛) was released on December 1 after more than nine months in detention, but was ordered to serve six months of...

Dec 8 2011 11:01AM
China human rights briefing: November 30-December 6

Ding Mao, Detained During Jasmine Revolution Crackdown, Released Into Residential Surveillance: Sichuan activist Ding Mao (丁矛) was released on December 1 after more than nine months in detention, but was ordered to serve six months of...

Dec 8 2011 7:26AM
Iranian government u-turns on trade unionists' freedom

Iranian trade unionist Ebrahim Madadi was re-arrested today. The Tehran bus workers' union leader had been freed only last Thursday, a move welcomed by the international trade union movement. It is always difficult to explain the...

Dec 7 2011 5:22PM
Pandas help raise China human rights debate

The arrival of Chinese pandas Tian Tian and Yang Guang at Edinburgh Zoo has generated a lot of media, including cutesy pictures galore and a multitude of puns of the ‘eats, shoots and leaves’ variety. At Amnesty Scotland we like pandas...

Dec 7 2011 2:18PM
Gaza Crisis (part I) In at the deep end.

I have never written a blog before, so I was planning to kick off with a bit of background about myself, and offer a flirtatious introduction to some of the themes that I’d like to cover during the year ahead. The intensifying carnage...