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Dec 8 2019 9:00AM
Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 71

London activists will gather at Chinese Embassy to mark Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 71 , in solidarity with Hong Kongers, Uyghurs Tibetans and all the oppressed under the CCP rule . 倫敦活動人士將在中國大使館外紀念《世界人權宣言》 71 週 年 , 聲援香港人...

Dec 6 2019 1:41PM
The Time is Now

This is a guest blog by our Scotland Speaker Coordinator, Alex Mackenzie Recently, more than any other time, I have felt deflated by the reporting on the climate crisis. The UN warned of a “ bleak ” future as the carbon emissions gap...

Dec 6 2019 10:18AM
What happens further after plasma supplier in the UK has been controlled by the Chinese company

Plasma supplier in the UK now controlled by the Chinese company would be endangering the life and health whoever uses the NHS service. The history in the blood scandal in the UK has shown the relationship problem between the public and...

Nov 27 2019 2:36PM
This is my protest t-shirt

Anything that carries your message is important. If you can't hold a sign, you can wear a t-shirt

Nov 19 2019 2:18PM
The call that never came: how one Syrian torture survivor is refusing to let injustice crush him

Kristyan Benedict - @KreaseChan “Make sure my phone is always charged in case Islam calls me” - that’s what Ahmad Helmi told his mother when she visited him in prison. Islam Dabbas was Ahmad’s best friend. His companion from boyhood...