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Readers of this blog and of the Amnesty trade union web pages will be familiar with the case of Mansour Ossanlu, leader of the Tehran bus workers union, who has been jailed on several occasions, most recently in July 2007, with a five...
Detainees From Jasmine Revolution Crackdown See Case Developments: The “incitement” case against Sichuan activist Chen Wei (陈卫) has been transferred to a court, but authorities have continued to obstruct the formation of his defense...
How do I sign in to the new site? If you had an account on the main website or on, you should be able to sign in as normal. The system won’t recognise your old password, so you’ll need to reset your...
We want our blogs platform to be a vibrant space where you can be sure of getting the best opinions on human rights issues. We may not agree with all of them, but we'll defend your right to say them! To keep our blogs platform vibrant...
Reza Shahabi is in an Iranian jail for no other reason than the part he played in the leadership of the Tehran busworkers' union. He has now been in jail since his arrest in June 2010, and his health has not been good. His situation...