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Headlines Beijing Police Meet With Artists Following 2/22 Protest, Discuss Forced Evictions Shenzhen Detention Center Repeatedly Denies Visits for Xue Mingkai, Imprisoned for “Subversion” Kunming Dissident Questioned over Support for...
The death, after a prolonged hunger strike, of Orlando Zapata Tamayo, a prisoner of conscience in Cuba, has been widely reported in the media today . Orlando Zapata Tamayo was one of 55 prisoners of conscience in Cuba to have been...
Vulture funds featured in a Newsnight investigation by Greg Palast shown on 25 February 2010. Vulture funds buy up the debt of very poor countries cheaply and then sue for 10 or even 100 times what they paid for it. Greg Palast...
Murder in Samarkand was last Saturday's Afternoon Play on Radio 4. I missed it but for a short time, until the afternoon of 27 Feb. 2010, it can be heard on the internet. David Tennant plays Craig Murray who was the UK's ambassador to...
Headlines Hunan Activist Sent to Two Years of RTL for Investigating Death of Official Sichuan Democracy Activist to Be Released after Lengthy Prison Terms Officials Transfer Activist Huang Qi to Prison without Notifying Family Guizhou...