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Today marks the anniversary of the foundation of the Islamic Republic of Iran 31 years ago, traditionally a day of mass rallies in Tehran and other Iranian cities. Most Iran-watchers have predicted that it will be a flash-point between...
The Shenzhen Intermediate Court declaredtwenty-year old migrant worker Xue Mingkai (薛明凯) guilty of"subversion of state power" in a public hearing on February 10 andsentenced him to one and a half years in prison. Xue was tried...
I’ve railed against the secrecy reflex of the UK state before, but today, for once, I’m pleased that knee-jerk secrecy has been set aside in today’s Court of Appeal ruling on the Binyam Mohamed case. The supposedly US relationship...
UPDATE: We are still monitoring the success of the pilot project that the government has started for 3 months. The project should be ended at the end of February and we can already see some points where we will need you to follow up...
(ChineseHuman Rights Defenders- February 9, 2010) TanZuoren (谭作人),human rights activist and environmentalist, wassentenced today to five years in prison with an additional three years’deprivation of political rights for “inciting...