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Sep 26 2009 5:11PM
Why an EU free trade deal with Colombia would be bad for human rights

The EU is negotiating a free trade agreement (FTA) with Colombia, the most dangerous place in the world to be a trade unionist. Signing that deal would hand the Colombian Government a propaganda coup, suggesting that its human rights...

Sep 26 2009 10:49AM
Iranian trade unionists face lengthy jail sentences - protest now!

Two Iranian trade unionists from the sugar industry are still facing jail, although three of their colleagues have had their sentences overturned on appeal after an international solidarity campaign. The IUF – the global union for food...

Sep 25 2009 1:20PM
Death row records:  Richard Hughes and Troy Davis

Morbidly enough, I’ve always thought songs about capital punishment were a pretty fascinating sub-genre. On this blog I’ve previously mentioned The Adverts’ punk classic “Gary Gilmore’s Eyes” (a number 18 hit in 1977, pop-pickers!) and...

Sep 24 2009 1:20PM
Police brutality in Honduras leaves country in crisis

Amnesty is concerned at the excessive force applied by police officers against civilians in Honduras over the past few days. The firing of tear gas at a human rights organisation when around 100 men, women and children were inside is...

Sep 23 2009 6:24PM
actions need to follow systematic examination

The Guardian today has two very different reports on rape. One focuses on a government review on how rape cases are handled here in the UK while the other looks at the prison sentence for a man in South Africa who was jailed for the...