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Local officials aim tosterilize 9559 people by 26 April, some against their will, in a driveto meet family planning targets in Puning City, Guangdong Province, southernChina. According to reports in theChinese media, on 7 April the...
Is it only States which have a responsibility to uphold human rights? What about companies – especially these days when some multinationals have annual turnovers larger than the Gross Domestic Product of some countries? That's the...
Yesterday, Amnesty called for all sides in Thailand’s widening political conflict to immediately commit to ending human rights abuses, yet today the BBC reports that the Thai army has made explicit its determination to use live...
We have already written about Shabnam Madadzadeh in this blog. A univestity student and deputy assistant to a branch of one of the legitimate political parties in Iran. Shabnam was arrested more than a year ago by the security forces...
More4 shows the fate of boys who are recruited as dancers in northern Afghanistan and then become victims of abuse. The film, The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan, is on More4 at 10 pm on Tuesday 20 April 2010.