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It is now nearly a year since Barack Obama became president. On his inauguration there was comment on the Amnesty Trade Union solidarity blog about the need for respect for the rights of workers in the USA . I wonder how things have...
Those of us who were in Iran and participated in the revolution of 1979 remember the days that the Shah's regime, unable to control the people resorted to violence in order to silence them. It didn't work. The Shah was finally toppled...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
Photos NTDTV Video Today seesthe beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. We are gathering hereto express our continuing resistance against the tyrannical rule of the ChineseCommunist Party, our contempt for such a coward...
The last decade has been scarred by terrorism and a 'war on terror' which has left hundreds of thousands of civilians dead, thousands locked up without trial and hundreds tortured in prisons around the world. The next decade must be...
Friends, Families and Travellers is a group that seeks to end racism and discrimination against gypsies and travellers, whatever their ethnicity, background and culture. Their website has a section on the Human Rights Act in relation...