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Liu Xiaobo was sentenced to 11 years in prison, plus 2 years' deprivation of political rights. Please refer to NYT article. Please read Liu's trial report in NYT. Please read BBC report Please watch CNN
Everyone loves a list. Shortlist and Stylist mazagine’s popularity are testimony to the success of the format. All the media are chock-a-block with end-of-year lists. And … well, not wanting to be left out, here’s my own end-of-year...
Jon Snow interviewed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Channel 4 News. Snow challenged the Iranian leader in part of the interview with the statements of a defector from the Basij militia . The defector says that he witnessed killings and tried...
See the blog entry on on Akmal Shaikh , the Briton who faces execution in China, by Steve B from the Amnesty media team. The entry includes links to an interview with his brother and to the website of Reprieve. Clive Stafford Smith of...
On 16 December the United Nations, the Nepalese Government and Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (UCPN-M) signed a plan which hopes to release 3,000 child soldiers who served in the Maoist army during the country’s decade-long...