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The shocking outcome of Switzerland’s referendum to ban the building of minarets has dominated much of UK media today. As the Guardian points out, this result makes Switzerland the first country in Europe to attempt to curb the...
December 3rd (Thursday), is the 25th anniversary of the infamous Union Carbide gas leak in the Indian city of Bhopal. I recently travelled to Bhopal to document the horrendous legacy the population faces a quarter of century from the...
Vulture funds are to sue Liberia for £12 million in the High Court in London. I wrote before about the campaign against vulture funds . They seek to make a profit from exploiting some of the poorest people in the world. The amount...
The tar sands industry is destroying the homeland of one of Canada's First Nations. Royal Bank of Scotland is involved and that bank now has a majority share holding by the government. That means that if you as a taxpayer are not happy...
A minister in the German government has resigned. Franz Josef Jung admitted that the government withheld information about civilian casualties from a Nato airstrike in Afghanistan. He was defence minister at the time. Kate Connolly...