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It's nearing the end of Remembrance Day. I'm going to take the opportunity to remember some people who are normally forgotten: the refuseniks, the conscientious objectors, those who refuse to fight and kill. These are the people, as...
This is the last installment in the review ( link to the complete series ) of Martin O'Brien's speech on 'Human rights and the Agreement: how far have we come? ', the 2009 Stephen Livingstone memorial lecture.Comments welcome on this...
Last week, we held a mass lobby of parliament – demanding that all women in the UK are given equal access to refuges and support services. Hundreds of you joined us at the House of Commons to meet your MP in person and ask for their...
Who would you invite to your dream tea party? That’s the question we’re asking the nation today. Why on earth do you care? I hear you cry. Well, we’re getting ready for the start of AMNES TEA (get it?) a new fundraising campaign where...
Unreported World meets the widows of Nepal in the Channel 4 programme at 7:35 pm on Friday 13 November 2009. The title of the film is Nepal: The Living Dead . You can also read the Reporter's Log by Yemi Ipaye .