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Thursday, July 23, 2009 Arab Human Rights Organisations solidarity with the Iranian People We, the undersigned human rights organizations and advocates from the Arab region, express our utter condemnation of all forms of brutal...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
On Satuarday 25 July, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is inaugurated as president of Iran. The announcement of his presidency sparked demonstrations and objectioins in Iran and worldwide as the majority of Iranians believe, was engineered by an...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
MEDIA RELAESE – COMMUNIQUE UNITED4IRAN GREENSCROLL Time: 17:00 – 19:00Date : Saturday 25th July 2009Location: Place du Trocadéro Time: 19:00 – 21:00Date : Saturday 25th July 2009Location: Champ de Mars: “Mur de la Paix” Two vital...
- Focus Iran
- By neda
Today isFreedom Day in Gambia,but for many Gambians, the irony of this public holiday leaves a bitter taste. PresidentJammeh established this national holiday soon after he was elected president in1996. Since then sadly, little has...
As my boss Mike was saying the other day , one of the mixed pleasures of working in the Amnesty media team is that you get to do TV and radio interviews (“And now we're joined by Amnesty spokesman Neil Durkin …”). Mixed, because they...