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At last month’s Media Awards we asked a few student journalists along to get their take on it. Here are the thoughts of Kat Lay, Editor of London Student “ The mood in Western journalism, in blogs, books and even chats over cups of tea...
“What did you have for breakfast?” the nice man from ITV asked me. Of course, he wasn’t really interested in my answer, only in using it to check that the sound levels were set correctly. I could have answered that I’d a bowl of Fruit...
Esfahan, armed militias assault on demonstrators on 8 July
- Focus Iran
- By neda
وحشيگري هاي لباس شخصي ها در اصفهان iran esfahan july فيلمي از ضرب وشتم شديد يك جوان توسط لباس شخصي هاي رژيم ديكتاتور نسخه اصلي
- Focus Iran
- By neda
Source: Boroumand Foundation -Statement by the "Office for Consolidating Unity", an umbrella organization of university Islamic associations, June 16, 2009. Following the June 12, 2009, presidential elections in the Islamic Republic of...
- Focus Iran
- By neda