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Amnesty’s head Irene Khan has just returned from Zimbabwe where she held a series of meetings with senior government figures, including Vice President Joice Mujuru, the Defence Minister and the Home Office Ministers. Although Irene...
If you Love Music and Hate Racism have a look at these events. Shropshire had a Love Music, Hate Racism event on Saturday 20 June 2009 at Shrewsbury College. It was not far from me but I was not able to attend. Maybe you did?
As several members of the CHRN Committee find difficulty getting to meetings, especially those some distance from London, I thought it would be helpful if we used the blog system to input ideas and make comments. It allows other...
The UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Gulnara Shahinian, expressed deep concern last week over the highly exploitative nature of the 'restavek' system in Haiti, which she considered to be a modern form of slavery...
I few years ago I had some hate mail from Combat 18, the neo-Nazi splinter group with historical links to the National Front and the BNP. Apparently C18 is a tiny organisation beloved of would-be bovver boys who really did absorb that...