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The leaders of the world’s wealthiest countries, the G8, were keen to join the Make Poverty History bandwagon in the Summer of 2005 and all made pledges to give more aid to African countries to 2010. How appalling then that several...
A politician and a journalist in Northern Ireland are today both facing the prospect of jail for refusing to disclose sources to the authorities. The politician, Ian Paisley Jr, was yesterday served with papers to appear in Belfast’s...
Blog 10.6.09 I was at the House of Lords this morning to hear the Law Lords’ verdict on the use of secret evidence in the trials of several terrorism suspects who are subjected to Control Orders. The result was a resounding victory for...
"My son died for the future of China, thus I can only live for thefuture of China. I hope that there will be no more killings on thisland of tears, no more innocent people dying on the streets. This iswhy I have to wrap up my wound...
I've worked almost all my adult life as a trade unionist. Under Mrs Thatcher, we were the enemy within, and over the years I've spent a lot of nights trying to bring a union and their employer together to avoid a strike. But my lot is...