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May 11 2009 2:09PM
Bloodbath in Sri Lanka

The civilian death toll in northern Sri Lanka soared even higher over the weekend, with reports (from a doctor in the field) that a staggering 378 people had been killed in just one day and at least another 1,212 injured. The real...

May 11 2009 11:00AM
Some picture-esque events in Aberdeen

Amnesty is going all arty in Aberdeen this month. First up is the We Are All Born Free exhibition , part of Amnesty’s celebrations of the recent 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . The UDHR was signed on...

May 10 2009 2:13PM
Today in History: Fight For Freedom of Media

A petition signed by a thousand Beijing journalists was presented tothe secretariat of the All-China Journalists Association, demanding adialogue on press reform with leading officials in charge of the mediain the Party's Central...

May 8 2009 6:04PM
Execution virals in China

The Telegraph carries two stories about China today that raise some interesting questions. The first is about a video, posted on a Chinese government website, showing a government official being executed. The story goes on to say that...

May 8 2009 6:03PM
Execution virals in China

The Telegraph carries two stories about China today that raise some interesting questions. The first is about a video, posted on a Chinese government website, showing a government official being executed. The story goes on to say that...