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The civilian death toll in northern Sri Lanka soared even higher over the weekend, with reports (from a doctor in the field) that a staggering 378 people had been killed in just one day and at least another 1,212 injured. The real...
Amnesty is going all arty in Aberdeen this month. First up is the We Are All Born Free exhibition , part of Amnesty’s celebrations of the recent 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . The UDHR was signed on...
A petition signed by a thousand Beijing journalists was presented tothe secretariat of the All-China Journalists Association, demanding adialogue on press reform with leading officials in charge of the mediain the Party's Central...
The Telegraph carries two stories about China today that raise some interesting questions. The first is about a video, posted on a Chinese government website, showing a government official being executed. The story goes on to say that...
The Telegraph carries two stories about China today that raise some interesting questions. The first is about a video, posted on a Chinese government website, showing a government official being executed. The story goes on to say that...