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The 2009 AIUK AGM passed unanimously a resolution calling for the UK delegation to this year's ICM in Turkey to urge the international movement to give priority to children's rights in the 2011-2016 Integrated Strategic Plan. It also...
So there you are – facing Chris Tarrant, you’re one correct answer off the big one (a cool million) and you don’t know the answer to the question. You know what you’re going to do, don’t you? Yes – phone a friend. Instead, try this one...
Our friends over at Human Rights Now , the Amnesty USA blog, are reporting a worrying resort by President Obama to the unaccountable, limitless Executive power so beloved by his predecessor in the White House. "Last Friday, the Obama...
I've blogged before about “honour killings” in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq – the area seems blighted by them. And, as blog readers will recall, it was a Kurdish family living in London who in 2006 killed Banaz Mahmod, the 20...
The TUC is joining a new Amnesty International campaign to secure visiting rights for Adriana Pérez and Olga Salanueva, Cuban nationals whose husbands are serving lengthy prison sentences in the USA. They have for the ninth time been...