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How to spend Mothers’ Day? Breakfast in bed for your wife, lovingly attended to by your own little ones, or lunch out for your own Mum? Not big questions and certainly not as big as those posed by the big BBC 1 programme, The Big...
NY Times article: A Dirty Pun Tweaks China’s Online Censors by Michael Wines
Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabo and other CCP leaders cannot commit war crimes and crimes against humanity with impunity. Please see their Brutality in Tibet Exposed (warning -graphic contents) Or
Chinese dictator Hu Jintao Detains Writer Zhang Shijun of Critical Web Letter to him
Northern Irish politicians have never been shy about going cap in hand to Washington to ask for help with our political and economic problems. They were there again this week for the annual St Patrick's Day shindiggery . Now it's time...