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The idea today had been for me to do a live blogging of Mary Robinson's presentation at this year's Queen's Annual Amnesty International Lecture. Alas due to low wireless reception this was not to be. So what I did instead was log...
Ever had that moment when you suddenly realise you’re getting old? Alexander Chancellor writes in the Guardian of how he refuses offers of a seat on the tube because he doesn’t want to be thought of as old. The people offering their...
Amnesty's Scottish office has uncovered evidence of a case of extraordinary rendition in Scotland. Admittedly the extra-judicial transfer for the purposes of torture took place in 1684. And the barbaric state willing to sanction the...
Award-winning Limerick-born writer Kevin Barry will be taking part in the Amnesty International event 'Human Rights, Poetic Redress ' at the Belfast Festival at Queen's next Thursday (23rd October) at 6:30pm in The Baby Grand. He will...
What’s the first thing you think of when you think of General Pinochet? Dictator? Military junta? Chile? Well for us at Amnesty, we would probably agree with most of that, but we would defnitely have to add one other element: the...