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Sep 29 2008 11:51AM
Happy 2nd Birthday to us!

The Belfast and Beyond blog has just turned two. What have been your favourite B&B stories? We've been following the Taser saga from day one and the story is still going strong. Indeed this blog broke new ground when we published the...

Sep 26 2008 9:14PM
ID cards: first they came for the foreign students

First they came for the foreign students, and I didn't speak up because I was not a foreign student. Then they came for those on marriage visas, and I didn't speak up because that didn't apply to me. Then it was the turn of the airport...

Sep 26 2008 4:21PM
Political theatre

Young people under the age of 26 are to be given theatre tickets in a new government initiative and taxpayers will be paying £2.5 million. Will that be money well spent? Will the young people want to go to the theatre and if they do...

Sep 26 2008 4:16PM
Tibetan film makers

Two Tibetans have made a film Leaving Fear Behind including interviews with more than 100 Tibetans. They asked people for their views on the Dalai Lama, the Olympics in Beijing and the presence of the Chinese in Tibet. The two film...

Sep 26 2008 12:44PM
Abdulkarims release: reasons to be cheerful, part 3

I was only saying two days ago that “good news” in the human rights world isn’t really a cue for unrestrained joy. Releasing a handful of political prisoners while leaving thousands in jail (Burma) is not exactly an occasion for...