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Aug 19 2008 8:27PM
An Open Letter to Gordon Brown

1 August 2008 The Right Honourable Gordon Brown, MP Prime Minister 10 Downing Street London SW1 Dear Sir, Re: Please Raise China's Human Rights Issue During Your Visit to Beijing Weare writing as Members of European and UK Parliaments...

Aug 19 2008 2:27PM
Terror and turmoil: whats going to happen in Pakistan?

This morning's news that there’s been a bomb attack on a hospital in Pakistan is chilling. Coming so soon after Pervez Musharraf’s resignation yesterday, you really get a feeling of a country “in turmoil” (to use the pundit-friendly...

Aug 18 2008 4:14PM
What it's like to be locked up as a 'terror suspect'

There’s an amazing article from Hicham Yezza on the Guardian’s CiF site today. He’s the young man from Nottingham University who was arrested and held for six days without charge on suspicion of the "instigation, preparation and...

Aug 17 2008 12:38AM
London Protest on 16 August 2008

London Protest on 16 August 2008

Aug 16 2008 12:28AM
Omagh remembered: still no justice

I am too young to remember where I was when I heard Kennedy was shot, but I will never forget the growing horror with which I listened to the car radio ten years ago today as I headed south on holidays with Rachel, my then girlfriend...