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Jun 16 2010 3:26PM
Egypt, police brutality.… Amnesty International is calling for an immediate, full and independent investigation into the brutal killing of a 28-year-old...

Jun 16 2010 12:00PM
Break the silence, buy radios for Burma

Due to the success of this fundraising campaign, we are hoping to fund a further 10,000 radios to send to Burma. Find out more and donate In Burma’s harsh media environment a number of courageous individuals work hard to break through...

Jun 16 2010 8:40AM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly  June 8-14, 2010

Highlights CHRD Website Suffers Another DDOS Attack: CHRD's Chinese-language website, , was once again been targeted by a Directed Denial-of-Service (DDOS) attack. The site was inaccessible between midnight on June...

Jun 16 2010 2:03AM
Iran: trade unionists being rounded up around election anniversary

As well as the latest Urgent Action for Iranian bus workers union leaders Saeed Torabian and Reza Shahabi, global teacher union Education International reports on a death penalty, arrests and prison beatings. Iranian trade unions are...

Jun 15 2010 11:41PM
THE FAKE PROPHET - a film by 'Stepping Stones Nigeria'

When: Saturday 24 July 2010 at 7.30pm Where: The Human Rights Action Centre ,London The Children's Human Rights Network would like to invite you to the London premiere of The Fake Prophet made by child rights charity Stepping Stones...