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May 17 2010 5:46PM
Celebrating Africa Day - in Belfast

Live in or near Belfast and looking for something different to do this Saturday? How about celebrating Africa Day with some authentic African food, music and dancing, courtesy of local charity Camara , colleagues of Amnesty in CADA...

May 17 2010 12:00PM
Shell AGM: keep up the shaming of Shell

On Tuesday 18 May, shareholders meet for oil giant Royal Dutch Shell’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), relayed live to London’s Barbican Centre. While they toast £9.8 billion profits, there will be less talk of how Shell’s activities are...

May 14 2010 5:55PM
International Day Against Homophobia - Belfast

International Day Against Homophobia is on Monday. Changing Attitude Ireland are holding an event in Belfast to mark the occasion this Sunday. It's a service on on the theme "OPEN DOORS" on Sunday 16th May 2010 at 3pm in St. George’s...

May 14 2010 2:59PM
Mr Hague goes to Washington

… and like “Mr Smith” in the Capra film classic , he takes on the vested interests of the Washington political machinery and undergoes a personal transformation in the process. He comes back home a wiser, sadder man, but one who has...

May 14 2010 2:38PM
Shrin Ebadi appeals to the UN High Commissioner

Mrs Navanethem PillayUnited Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsOffice of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsPalais des NationsCH-1211 Geneva 10Switzerland Friday, 14 May 2010 Your Excellency Mrs Navanethem...