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Fereshteh Ghazi Roozonline Daily It is a long-standing tradition that when some one is due for execution they inform them the night before so they write their will and say farewll to their families and friends. At 10 PM on Satuarday 8...
Tom Parker (Amnesty USA) is currently at Guantánamo to observe the military commissions proceedings against detainee Omar Khadr, who was only 16 when first detained there. His blog details interrogation techniques used on Omar Khadr...
The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) reports that parliamentarians from all over Africa are pushing for a continent-wide ban on female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and are calling on the UN to pass a General...
In the bad old days of apartheid South Africa, protestors would often "commit suicide" or suffer "accidental death" in police custody. Steve Biko was probably the most famous victim. Now it seems those days are back, just across the...
Hundreds of prisoners held without charge or trial by the United States on “security” grounds in a remote and inaccessible military camp without access to lawyers or the courts. Where have we heard that before? Guantánamo, right? No...