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May 4 2014 7:49PM
Today in 1989: Hundreds of thousands of people inclduing jouralists march to centre squares in 30 cities

Hundreds of thousands of people inclduing jouralists march to centre squares in 30 cities. The 70th anniversary of # May4 marked by a large demonstration. ⁰ # 八九六四 # 八九六四二五 # 89June4 # 八九六四 # 八九六四二五 # 89June4 # 八九民主运动 25年前的今天(5月4日) #...

May 3 2014 7:37PM
Today in 1989: Students in dorms are ready to the March into Tiananmen, to commemorate 70th Anni of the May Fourth

Students in dorms, writing posters , are ready to the March to Tiananmen, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement # 八九六四 # 89June4 # 八九民主运动 25年前的今天(5月3日) 在大学宿舍书写大字报,准备纪念 # 五四 七十周年游行 # 八九六四二五 http://

May 2 2014 7:52PM
World Press Freedom Day: where does Cuba sit?

World Press Freedom Day on 3 May spotlights Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to...

May 2 2014 7:24PM
Today in 1989: Students in Peking University mimeographed leaflets, to demand formal, open, equal dialogue

Students in Peking University mimeographed leaflets , to demand formal , open, equal dialogue . # 八九六四 # 89June4 1989年5月2日 - 北大学生油印传单,要求官方正式、公开、平等与学生对话。 @ prchovanec

May 1 2014 11:13PM
Today in 1989: Students in Shanghai marched to the party headquarter, making demands for free media and a formal dialogue

Thousands of students in Shanghai marched to the party headquarter, making demands for free media and a formal dialogue. #八九六四 #八九六四二五 #89June4 #八九民主运动 25年前的今天(5月2日)北京一些高校大小字讨论运动的方向。北京化工学院题为《从对话中看出的几点问题》的未署名大字报,提出“下次游行不应打出拥护共产党、社会主义的口号...