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Sep 13 2013 5:38PM
Our six step plan to end the humanitarian crisis in Syria

Explore more infographics like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually . Tweet As the debate about chemical weapons dominates our headlines, civilians continue to bear the brunt in Syria. It is clear that...

Sep 12 2013 5:02PM
Dealing with the past – for Northern Ireland’s future

As Richard Haass, the one-time American peace envoy to Northern Ireland, gets ready to make a return visit - this time like a lone US cavalry man coming to rescue our politicians from themselves – one of the big three issues his Talks...

Sep 12 2013 3:42PM
A change is gonna come

Rea Cris is the Parliamentary Office Administrator at Scottish Environmental LINK and Communication Co-ordinator at the International Union for Conservation of Nature. You can find her on Twitter @MeecoYoueco Scottish Environment LINK...

Sep 12 2013 2:00PM
What freedom means to you - your photos

To mark 60 years of the European Convention of Human Rights and the launch of our new 'Know Your Rights' illustrated booklet , we asked you to send us photos of the freedoms you value the most. Storify by Amnesty UK Wed, Sep 11 2013 05...

Sep 11 2013 4:04PM
Bahrain: Child tortured in detention

Ali Hatem Ali Salman, a 14-year-old Bahraini boy, was arrested and reportedly tortured and otherwise ill-treated during interrogation to “confess” to rioting. The child was arrested on 26 August 2013 in a coffee shop, in the...