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Mar 7 2011 5:49PM
Saudi Arabia has people as well as oil, remember?

As the financial markets fret increasingly about the impact of Middle East protests on Saudi Arabia and the knock-on effects on oil supply and western diplomacy in the region, it’s important to remember that the country has people as...

Mar 7 2011 11:00AM
Get involved in International Women's Day

Just 100 years ago women in the UK didn’t have the right to vote, they weren’t allowed to serve as magistrates or jurors, and they were barred from many professions. March 8 th is the 100 th anniversary of International Women’s Day –...

Mar 6 2011 10:38PM
Human rights under attack in Wisconsin, USA

The Republican Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, is attempting to take away one of the fundamental human rights (as recognised by the UN and the International Labour Organisation) of his own workforce: the right to bargain...

Mar 6 2011 5:00PM
Get your popcorn out as the Street Child World Cup hits the silver screen...

*Added on behalf of Frances* Street Kids United is a brand new film telling the story of the Umthombo Young Stars, afootball team made up of street children from Durban, South Africa, asthey prepare to represent their country at the...

Mar 4 2011 1:54PM
the story of a woman in a 100 years

Next week Tuesday marks the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day and already, we’re seeing various media outlets are giving a nod to this day of celebration. Online site has reported on a great selection of...