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Contents Arbitrary Detention Labor Organizer Detained for 1 Year Without Sentence Activist-turned- Buddhist Priest Among 5 Detained for “Inciting Subversion” Updates on Detained Lawyers; More Individuals Locked Up Arbitrary Detention...
Liu Hong (刘 弘), postgraduate student of environmental studies at Qinghua University. In the early hours of June 4, 1989, Liu was shot in the abdomen at Qianmen. His intestines squeezed out and his schoolmates pressed them in and...
Today in 1989: students and residents in main cities protested against martial law. # 八九六四 # 八九六四二五 # 89june4 # 八九民主运动 25年前的今天(5月24日)北京和主要省会城市学生和市民继续上街游行,要求召开人大,罢免李鹏,推进民主,解除戒严。 # 89june425 http://
Qian Jin (钱 缙), student of Beijing's Economics and Trade University. On the night of June 3, 1989, at about 10:00 p.m., Qian was returning home by bicycle with a classmate surnamed Yuan. They had just turned into Beifengwo Road having...
one million people marched in protest against martial law . 89年5月23日,首都各界人士及学生逾百万人游行,这是北京戒严令发布以来规模最大的一次。参加的除高校学生外,主要是文化、金融。科技、工业、新闻界、民主党派人士和机关干部。 # 图说八九六四