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I've posted on the TUC Touchstone blog about what the Dow Chemicals sponsorship case tells us about ethics and the Olympics. The TUC has registered our opposition to the sponsorship deal with the London Organisating Committee for the...
We have received word that many Romani families have been subjected to forced eviction in Tirana, Albania. The United Nations state that 'Forced evictions constitute gross violations of a range of internationally recognised human...
Highlights Court Hears Case Against Zhu Yufu, Does Not Announce Verdict: On January 31, a Hangzhou court tried dissident Zhu Yufu on charges of “inciting subversion,” but did not issue a verdict after two-and-a-half hours of...
Earlier today we received distressing news that hundreds of people have been forcibly evicted in the African country of Chad. Schools and residential areas were demolished and many of those evicted are now sleeping under trees as there...
Heavy Sentences in Rapid Succession Have Highlighted Deteriorating Human Rights Situation (Chinese Human Rights Defenders, January 31 , 2012) – The Hangzhou City Intermediate People’s Court in Zhejiang Province today put veteran...