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Having worked at Amnesty for a few years I’ve come across a few so-called “crimes” in my time which various countries have devised to serve as a reason to imprison (or execute) people, normally those who are causing a nuisance to the...
(Chinese Human RightsDefenders, June 7, 2011) On June 8-9, officials andlegal experts from theUnited States and China will meet in Washington, D.C.for the U.S.-China LegalExperts Dialogue (LED). TheU.S. Departmentof State publicly...
Haleh Sahabi, 54, a daughter from the Sahabi family, who had been veterans of struggles against dictatorship in both the Shah’s regime and the Islamic Republic, died during her father’s funeral. Haleh was serving a two year term for...
When people heard about the punitive conditions that the US soldier Bradley Manning was enduring in prison in Virginia there was (rightly) an international outcry. The same can be said – multiplied by nearly four decades – about Albert...
Cast your mind back to last October, when a tide of toxic sludge leaked into rivers (including the Danube) in Hungary from an alumina refinery’s ‘red mud pool’, causing massive environmental damage, displacing villagers and causing the...