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With the UN calling for reinforcements to support its troops in Ivory Coast while saying there’s a “real risk” of civil war , and as France tells its citizens to get out of the country as soon as possible, it looks increasingly...
After that mightily big Assange interview on the Today programme this morning they rounded off the programme with one of those “light” items at 8.55 where a couple of semi-regular guests chat about something topical. Today it was The...
Amnesty International (20 December 2010) renews its call onthe Chinese authorities to release an ethnic Uighur prisoner of consciencejailed on separatism charges after his family reported that he is beingtortured in a Xinjiang prison...
A new report by CHRD, “I Don't Have a Choice overMy OwnBody,” documents the continuing suffering of countless women acrossChina from forced insertions of intrauterine devices (IUDs), sterilizations,abortions (including late-term...
Amnesty International has received information that thePresident of Yemen has signed the death sentences of two alleged juvenileoffenders, one of whom was scheduled for execution on 19 December. The death penalty should not be imposed...